Oyu Cosmetics goes wholesale to Faire

Once you set up the clientelle people were asking me almost everyday what's the wholesale price. Oyu was curious and researched about Faire wholesale and it was win-win for both retailers and sellers.
There’s a lot of talk among makers about Faire wholesale and those discussions include many favorable, and a few not so favorable, reviews. Let me state right now that this won’t be one of those less than favorable Faire wholesale reviews because I’m a solid believer in what they’re building over at Faire. In fact, I would go as far to say that many of us could learn a thing or two about strategic business planning from watching how Faire implements their top-notch strategies.
If you want to sell on Faire, now is a good time to apply as markets are opening up again, restrictions are lifting and the public is eager to get back to in person shopping. With a great lean toward “buy local” and “handmade”, it’s an opportune time to launch your collection on the Faire wholesale platform. In this post, I’m going to cover the top reasons I think Faire is spot on when it comes to their business decisions.
Buyer Incentives - There is no doubt that retailers have suffered great losses and hardship during rolling lockdowns, in some countries more than others. Since we live in a retail-driven economy, many governments have provided financial support, such as forgivable loans, to retailers in order to help keep them afloat and stimulate the economy.
Faire wholesale provides retailers with plenty of undeniably good reasons to shop the platform. From free shipping, to 60-day terms, store credit, free returns and $100 toward the first purchase, Faire does an excellent job at attracting stores and taking the risk out of buying.
Seller Incentives - Brands too get some pretty great incentives, starting with increased exposure for the first couple of weeks on the platform and rewards for bringing store contacts and other makers on board. Perhaps one of the most overlooked advantage for sellers is actually all the incentives given to retailers. Sellers sometimes fail to recognize that the Faire wholesale perks for retailers ensure that the site continually sees increased traffic from new stores joining.
On this point, I can’t stress enough how short-sighted attitudes keep sellers from making the most of a good thing. While some feel that retailers get more from the offers than the wholesale brands do, I beg to differ. In wholesale, store success is your success as a seller. When we support the success of retailers, we all reap the rewards because, after all, they’re at the top of the chain! Yes, as artists, makers and entrepreneurs, we provide goods to be sold, but there will be no providing if the retail industry isn’t flourishing. It’s all a continuous circle.
While free returns may only seem to benefit store owners, in reality, it also serves as a marker for maintaining both quality and success-driven products within the marketplace. Arguably, free returns can sometimes invite one to purchase without the need to be wisely selective, however, this type of offer typically results in increased spending and a willingness to try new things. When buying restrictions are placed, the opposite usually occurs and buyers are more reluctant to spend or take risks.

Always Thinking Ahead - While many businesses rest on their laurels once they have a good thing going, Fair wholesale continually strives for improvement. It is as though, every step of the way, they ask themselves “how can we make this benefit that?” for it seems that no one decision is made without carefully estimating the domino effect of those changes. No doubt, there is a lot of calculated strategy in every implementation, mapping out some stellar results for buyers, sellers and Faire itself.